Yesterday i was in a foul mood
no idea why
nothing special happened
i finished work at 5.30
the OH met me from work and we walked to aldi
i forgot she invited my sister and brother in law for tea last night
oh bugger it i couldn't be bothered at all ..ho hum
i was looking around aldi for some inspiration
i filled and unfilled the basket several times, walked round and round several times
OH got the hump
words were exchanged
she left for home
i carried on shopping
some elderly woman grabbed my arm and said
"oh dear is your daughter alright"
Bloody daughter i thought
(im not that much older than her and look pretty good- so i thought anyway lol)
i said actually its my girlfriend
i said yes im a lesbian rather loudly lol i couldnt help myself i did get some funny looks
at the checkout a rather camp chap said oooh i hope your having that cucumber for tea and winked at me
i went bright red
i then walked home
and slid across the dining room in a very cha cha slide action after stepping in two piles of cat sick
extreme hoovered the downstairs in a mood
then made gammon and pineapple for everyone
turned out nice in the end :)
sammie xx
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