Well I don't know how I missed 4 yoghurt's in the fridge about to expire today i wasnt going to bin them so I emptied them into a Tupperware and popped them in the freezer ill use them in smoothies and shakes..strawberry and cranberry, and black cherry..waste not want not..
I was reading our local newspaper online and was saddened to read that the council are planning to close approximately 240 libraries up North due to council cuts, one of them is in a new state of the art college that cost 10 million to build and only been open 2 years..Bloody madness.. for want of a better word, pissed me right off!!
There are a total of seven library's in my area alone that are closing, what about the people that rely on these services, the elderly, parents and children, community groups, the old chap that goes to read his newspaper in piece every day the decent folk who use the computers as the can't afford their own, the people who do actually read and look forward to checking out new books every week, not to mention all the workers who will be out of jobs..I honestly feel left confused by this news, what are things coming too.
Hells teeth
Another story was apparently one million people have decade old food in their freezers! My freezer gets checked every week and drawers wiped down regularly a decade old? Chuffin eck not in this house! my mother says 'you lot are bloody gannets in that house' lol we're not we just like our food.
ha ha ha
working this morning then i have a list of things i need to do .. (ooh i do love a list)
- finish the ironing
-walk the dog
- cut the hedge out front
- hoover the draping cobweb off the ceiling that i noticed last week ..huck hum
- tidy spare room for parents arrival - thank the lord i have 2 weeks its full of things ive been clearing out for charity and the tip! my mother would literally die if she saw it id get a clip around the ear, apparently not too old for one of those either at 36
working this morning then i have a list of things i need to do .. (ooh i do love a list)
- finish the ironing
-walk the dog
- cut the hedge out front
- hoover the draping cobweb off the ceiling that i noticed last week ..huck hum
- tidy spare room for parents arrival - thank the lord i have 2 weeks its full of things ive been clearing out for charity and the tip! my mother would literally die if she saw it id get a clip around the ear, apparently not too old for one of those either at 36
ha ha ha
Catch you all soon
Sammie xx